When scheduling an appointment date for a permanent makeup procedure, keep in mind the healing time of the procedure. You will need a few days afterward without social plans or strenuous activity. You will not look your best (swelling, oozing, & looks like wet paint) so plan activities around the house. Plan a shopping trip ahead of time for items you will need: ointments, straws, napkins for blotting, Q-tips, OTC pain reliever, prescriptions, a good book or movies. Get ahead on your dirty work - no lawn mowing or chores that will get dirt/ bacteria on the healing area. Do not have a procedure right before going on vacation because 1) you need healing time – you will not look like you had a makeover at the mall, 2) you may not be able to avoid sun, wind, or other items listed in post-care instructions, 3) if you had a question or permanent makeup problem it would be best to be near your permanent makeup artist and local physician. Do not wear your good clothes for the procedure because pigment might splatter on them. Pigment washes out of most clothes, but not your favorite ones. Wear something comfortable.


I do not have the benefit of prescription strength numbing meds or sedation. Alternative herbal products being used Include ValerianKavaHopsMelatoninSt John’s WortPassion FlowerChamomileWillow Bark, and Theanine.

If I were to pick one supplement from the list it would be Melatonin. In addition to the drowsy effect, it is good for skin healing and rejuvination. The anti-oxidant properties of Melatonin contribute to its anti-aging effect. Some herbs may increase or decrease the actions of other herbs or prescription medications. Patients on prescription medications should check with their doctor regarding interactions, especially those on heart meds or blood thinners. Some medications and herbs can increase swelling and bleeding. Never discontinue a medication your doctor has recommended for you without consulting him or her.

 Antihistamines like Benedryl taken before the procedure may reduce swelling and help you relax. Benedryl also helps eyes not be so watery during eyeliner procedures. Watery eyes can dilute the pigment that is being implanted. Permanent eyebrow swelling is mild and barely noticeable.Permanent eyeliner swelling is moderate. Permanent lip color swelling is more obvious. It is rare to have a healing problem with permanent makeup eyebrows or eyeliner. If there is going to be a permanent makeup problem, it will be with the lips. Two unpleasant lip complications are cold sores and hyper-pigmentation.

* Do not wear contact lens during the procedure or for 24 hrs after. 
* Bring sunglasses to wear home. Eyes may be light sensitive. 
* Do not dye or perm lashes for 2 days prior. 
* Do not use eyelash curler the day of the procedure. 
* If you have had any type of eye surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent eyeliner procedure. Most physicians are giving a 2 month ok after cataract, lasik, and blepharoplasty.
*Do not wear eyemakeup to your appointment
* Do not tweeze, wax, or dye brows for 2 days prior. 
* Electrolysis should not be done for a week prior. 
*Feel free to bring in you favorite color eyepencil to help pick out a perfect color for you and if you prefer to draw them on before your appoinment that will give me a better idea as to how you like them and I can practically tattoo right over that area as you have them.
* If you are prone to getting cold sores you will need an antiviral prescription such as Valtrex. Physician usually instructs to begin taking it 3 days before procedure, for a 7-10 day course. 
* If you have had any type of lip surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent makeup procedure on the lips. Most physicians are giving a 3 week ok after lip filler injections like collagen or Restylane. Permanent makeup artists have noticed poor color retention in lips that have received collagen injections within the previous 6 months, longer for restylane. There has even been a little pigment migration along lip edges with Restylane. It may be best not to have lip filler injections and permanent lip color within the same year. If the lip surgery involves an incision (like a lip implant), the incision needs to mature about 6 months before tattooing on top of it.
* Oral prosthesis dentures/ partials/ braces and tongue piercing bars may increase risk of getting bacterial and/or fungal infection from the mouth to the lips. Frequent or recent sinus infection puts lips at risk of infection. 


Already have Permanent Makeup but need to to refresh the color and or detail? 
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